Cleansing your home for new year’s

Post-holiday stress should be a real thing. No seriously. Whether we are visiting for the holidays or welcoming guests into our home, we open ourselves up to a ton of energy over the holidays. This can be amazing and overwhelming at times! Afterwards, we’re ready to hit the energetic reset button for ourselves and our space. Especially if you don’t energetically cleanse your home often, New Year’s is a wonderful time to do so! In this post we’ll cover clearing out all the excess energy we’ve been carrying into our homes, and any stagnant energy that’s been hanging around over the year. So here’s the how to do a basic cleanse:

  1. Cut the clutter

  2. Smoke or Spray

  3. Seal your Home’s Aura

Cut the Clutter

Ever wondered why you feel good when your space is organized? Part of it has to do with energy! Physical and energetic cleansing go hand-in-hand. When you get rid of objects that no longer serve you, or put items back in their place you move stagnant energy out. What matters most about this step is creating a space you feel good in. I encourage you to set aside time for this and be mindful. But if you are busy, take it one room or even one section of a room at a time, starting with the one that feels most hectic. It’s worth the effort!

Smoke or Spray

Smoke cleansing is my preferred method, but using a cleansing spray is also a great option! Some herbs I recommend for smoke cleansing would be cedar, lavender, frankincense and myrrh, or pine. You can also use these herbs as an essential oil and put a couple drops in a spray bottle full of water to achieve the same effect. Another option is Florida Water in a spray bottle, it smells amazing! Regardless of what you use, take a second to connect with it. Hold the herb bundle or spray in your hands and ask it to help you cleanse your space from any energy and entities that no longer serve you or your family. Then begin moving around your space counterclockwise either burning the herb bundle or spraying the space. With smoke I wave the bundle around every nook and cranny of the room. With sprays I will generally spritz each corner of the room and any areas I spend a ton of time at or feel stagnant. Work your way through the entire home basement to attic, sending the energy out the front door at the end.

Seal your Home’s Aura

Finally, I recommend is sealing your home’s aura. I haven’t heard people talk about this as much, it’s a simple but effective practice! Sealing your home’s aura protects your home from all that energy you cleared out coming back in. Use either olive oil or holy water and grab a rag. Put a little olive oil or holy water onto the rag and ask it to seal your home’s aura from all that stagnant energy that left. Then I take the rag and wipe the windowsills and doorframes. Again, work counterclockwise from the basement to the attic, ending with the front door.

So that’s how you can cleanse your home for New Year’s or anytime of year! If you are not feeling motivated to cleanse your home, but need some help feel free to check out my house cleansing services and book an appointment.*

*I do not organize clutter or physically clean homes, I take care of the energetic side only.


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